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Summer Worship for Kids

While Children + Worship is on hiatus over the summer, we invite all our young ones to visit the Children's Worship Center in the sanctuary. Here they'll find different ways to engage with God's Word - Children's Bibles, lectionary-based coloring sheets, Children's bulletins, books on faith and worship, as well as felt and wood figures to recreate their own favorite Bible stories.

Following the Children's Blessing, children are invited to take a place at the table or on a mat in this area to quietly engage with God's Word in ways that meet them where they are - through imaginative play and exploration!

During our summer series on Psalms, we're exploring the different ways the psalms help us talk to and listen to God.

To make sure that ALL of us can learn together, we will be using At Psalms School during the Children's Blessing time. This helpful book introduces children of all ages (3-93) to how the psalms shape our conversation with God.

A: Every week we invite the kids forward for our Children's Blessing where the children bless the congregation with the words “The Lord be with you" and the congregation responds “And also with you.” Then our little ones process out of the sanctuary to meet the Children + Worship helper at the back of the sanctuary who leads them to the Children's Worship Center.

A: Parents (or the adult picking up the child) can pick up their children immediately following worship service. If the service goes long, the Children + Worship helper will lead the children back to the sanctuary.  

Connect with Lauren Garza, our Children's Ministry Coordinator (and gifted Children + Worship Storyteller!). You can find her contact info on the Staff page.

Learn More About Children + Worship