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Hands On Mission Experience Request Form

The Purpose: To provide Trinity Reformed Church members or participants with the opportunity to respond to the Missional call in outreach or evangelism.

The Qualifying Criteria: This initiative can be used for congregational mission trips, individual short-term mission placements and/or the support of a local mission project in the Holland, MI area.

Steps to Apply: Identify a hands-on ministry and fill out this form (hard copies are available in the church office).



New Ministry Request Form

The Purpose: To help Trinity Reformed Church begin new ministries or strengthen current ones through providing new ministry staff with seed money for these endeavors. 

The Qualifying Criteria: This is meant to be seed money to start new ministries in the greater Holland area. It may also be used for the hiring of personnel for new programs or additional staff for current ones. All or part of the money can be designated for no more than 6 years to any on program or ministry staff position with a gradual decline as the item becomes a part of the general budget of Trinity Reformed Church.

Steps to apply: Identify a new ministry initiative and fill out this form (hard copies are available in the church office).



Community Partnership Request Form

The Purpose: To help other ministry organizations in our community.

The Qualifying Criteria: Any recipient of these funds must be part of the Holland, MI community or one of the outlying communities.

Steps to apply: Identify a community ministry and fill out this form (hard copies are available in the church office).